Did you know…that there are inherited factors that affect our health that goes beyond our genes?
Treatment of chronic miasms is the next logical step after clearing a patient’s timeline of shocks and traumas.
The 8 universal chronic miasms map out over the 4 seasons of the year, 1 pair per season (starting with Psora. Dr. Hahnemann discovered that these diseases that were originally infectious in nature had a detrimental effect on the patient that they ended up being passed on from generation to generation. In effect, he was the first to propose the concept of genetically inherited diseases.
Thus, as important as it is to remove the cumulative shocks and traumas, it is also critical in many cases to go past the point of conception and reach back into the various disease patterns we brought with us. As with all of the chronic miasms, it becomes relatively easy to identify the root of so many varied physical and mental-emotional symptoms.
Psora – Fall (Sept-15-Oct 30)
Psora is related to the end of the season when leaves are falling, vegetation is dying lack of at all levels, and characterized by the classic itch. There is a fear of whether there will be enough to keep one alive during winter along with the fear of what was once gained is now being lost. There is the feeling that there needs to be a struggle in order to regain what is now gone. The essence of Psora is a form of struggle in order to survive. Physically is can be seen in psoriasis, eczema, oversensitive to sounds and bloating.
Malaria (Nov 1-Dec 15)
The feelings here are of victimization, persecution, suspiciousness, irritability, and pessimism. Physically this makes us more prone to general aches and pains, digestive issues, fatigue, flus, colds, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Tuberculosis – Winter (Dec 15 – Jan 30)
The Tuberculinum miasm sets in when winter is here and physically people are feeling run down and prone to infections of the ear, nose, throat, and lungs. There is a great need to bust loose and travel perhaps due to the cold weather or just anywhere to keep them moving and not stagnant. ”There is a huge need to get up and out as quickly as possible to escape this sense of oppression. Some feats may be rash, bold, daring and could be destructive
Ringworm – (Feb 1-March 14)
“seasonal affective disorder” Mentally and emotionally they may feel trapped and irritable. The essence in Ringworm is of an intense struggle which is not life-threatening and a resignation to the fact that there is always going to be a level of some discomfort. There may be procrastination to finishing projects. Physically there may be issues with constipation, lack of energy and digestive issues.
Sycosis (Medorrhinum) -Spring (March 15-April 30) “sex, drugs” and “rock n roll” state of mind. This is a time when we’ve had enough of the hibernating and are ready to bust out and live life to the max after a period of winter blues. Extremes are apparent here, making it necessary for people to want to experience everything and fully. Hyperactive to their environment, overreact to everything and everything becomes life-threatening. Mentally this may be seen as a weak memory where people are forgetful and lose the thread of conversation easily. Physically, one may see allergies, joint pain, overgrowths and attacking the sexual organs.
Cancer (May 1-June 15)
“Caretaker role”This can mean a period of intense and passionate activity, making one over-extend oneself on many levels. Everything has to be perfect. They are living for others because they stopped living for themselves.
Syphilis -Summer (June 16-July 31)
Syphilis is in full force in the hot summer months. Rage, fury, destruction, accidents, road rage – these all represent this time. Emotionally, there is a complete feeling of hopelessness and despair so in order to survive, one needs to act in a manner as if it is their last attempt, even if it means death. They have a bunker mentality where they are rigid, mentally dull. They are destructively creative, smart, cunning, obsessive and fixed in their ideas but out of contact with reality. Physically you will ulcers, cankers, colitis, moles, bushy eyebrows and crooked teeth.
Lyme -(Aug 1-Sept 15)
Profound state of alienation because they have been sacrificed and there is no energy or connection with the outside world. There is a deep sense of isolation and victimization with a deep feeling of disconnection and dark hopelessness. Seasonally, this is the time when there is still some hot days left but things are wrapping up and starting to go inwards and die off to get ready for the fall. Physically, there is pain, depression, headaches, brain fog, adrenal disorders, kidney/liver pain, light sensitivity, memory loss and cognitive problems along with fatigue. In an extreme sense, there may be a feeling of being trapped within their own body and auto-immune