My Story

I’ve been on a healing journey for a long time. In my early 20s as I was doing my Master Degree in International Business in the Bay Area, I woke up one day and I could not get out of bed. I had to crawl out  of bed and crawl on the floor to the landline phone (no cell phones then, -we’re talking about year ’95-’97) to call my roommate so she could come to help me. I was later diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and was told by allopathic medicine that there is no cure for it and that I have to take pain killers and anti inflammatories to manage it for the rest of my life. 

I’m incredibly grateful for I never believed the norm and searched for answers myself. I found a homeopath that told me otherwise and that there were reasons for my ailments and that cure was possible. That opened my eyes. She was unfortunately a classic homeopath and although she could help me at the time and I was free of symptoms for a year during my treatment which involved a strict diet, it was not a permanent cure. 

Fast forward to 8 years ago, my issues took a turn and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and that’s when I decided to take things seriously and searched for permanent solutions. It was living hell for 8 years. I constantly felt like I was dying inside and in excruciating pain while I looked extremely normal from outside. No one  understood my pain and what I was going through including my closest family. At some point I knew if I didn’t find a solution, that next stage was cancer.  I searched harder. 

Finally I found a bio therapeutic homeopath that understood my language and story and told me that “next is cancer you know right ?”, I knew then I was in good hands. She became my greatest support in all things life and beyond and she’s the one who got me into Heilkunst Homeopathy when I shared with her I wanted to become a homeopath. 

Heilkunst Homeopathy is by far the best thing I did for myself. On the 2nd year of my treatment I was completely free of all symptoms of fibromyalgia and arthritis. I hardly had any healing reactions during my treatment  as I had detoxified my system for 3 years prior and changed my diet with bio therapeutic homeopathy.  The rest is history, today I feel vibrant and better than I felt 10 years ago. My life changed and I became and am still becoming the best version of myself. The statement “it’s been life changing” is an understatement. It was everything!!! I’m forever grateful to my teacher in everything Sharon Richlark for putting me on this path and really just being in my life as my greatest guide.

Are you ready to set yourself free from the burden of dis-ease and join me in this journey to be free, vibrant and the outmost best version of you??? 

Book your session, I promise you, it will be the best gift you will give yourselves as there is nothing, absolutely, nothing more important than your health.